Our Commitment to Excellence: TOFARCH's Certifications

At TOFARCH, we are dedicated to delivering the highest quality office furniture solutions that not only meet but exceed industry standards. Our commitment to quality, sustainability, and safety is demonstrated through our comprehensive certifications. These certifications reflect our ongoing efforts to ensure superior product quality, environmental responsibility, and sustainable business practices.

ISO 9001: Quality Management Systems

  • What It Means: ISO 9001 is the international standard for quality management systems (QMS). It ensures that we consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements.

  • Our Commitment: By adhering to the ISO 9001 standard, TOFARCH demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement, customer satisfaction, and reduced wastage in our manufacturing processes. This certification guarantees that every aspect of our business is aligned with delivering the highest quality.

ISO 14001: Environmental Management Systems

  • What It Means: ISO 14001 is a globally recognized standard for environmental management systems. It provides a framework for the effective management of environmental responsibilities.

  • Our Commitment: Our certification under ISO 14001 underlines our dedication to minimizing our environmental impact. It signifies our commitment to sustainable business practices, including efficient use of resources and reduction of waste.

GREENGUARD Certification

  • What It Means: GREENGUARD Certification ensures that products meet some of the world’s most rigorous standards for low emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into indoor air.

  • Our Commitment: Having GREENGUARD Certification means TOFARCH products contribute to the creation of healthier indoor environments by releasing fewer pollutants that can contribute to health issues. This is particularly important as our furniture becomes a part of daily life in workplaces around the globe.


  • What It Means: BIFMA is the Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturer’s Association, which sets the standard for commercial furniture and ergonomic guidelines.

  • Our Commitment: TOFARCH’s compliance with BIFMA standards ensures that our furniture products withstand the rigors of daily use and maintain high levels of safety, sustainability, and comfort. This certification assures our customers of our products' durability and reliability in commercial environments.

Why Our Certifications Matter

Our certifications are not just badges of honor; they represent our deep-rooted commitment to creating products that are both innovative and responsible. They assure you, our clients, that the furniture you purchase from TOFARCH is manufactured to the highest standards of quality and environmental care.

Whether you are furnishing a small office or a corporate building, our certifications give you peace of mind that TOFARCH is the right choice, combining industry-leading practices with sustainable methodologies.

Visit our website or contact our team for more information about how our certifications make a difference in our products and practices.